Embrace the power of probiotics with these 8 snacks  

Yogurt: One of the best and most accessible sources of probiotics. Look for yogurts that contain live active cultures like Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, and try to choose plain varieties without added sugar. 

Kefir: A fermented probiotic milk drink made by adding kefir grains to milk. These grains are a combination of yeast and bacteria, working together to ferment the sugars in the milk, turning it into kefir and making it rich in probiotics. 

Sauerkraut: Made from just cabbage and salt, this fermented food is rich in live cultures and should be unpasteurized to maintain those beneficial bacteria. It's also high in vitamins C, B, and K, as well as minerals like iron and manganese. 

Kimchi: A Korean dish similar to sauerkraut but made with additional ingredients like garlic, chili peppers, and other spices. It’s fermented with a variety of bacteria, which gives it distinct flavors and benefits, including strains of probiotics. 

Tempeh: A fermented soybean product that forms a firm patty whose flavor is described as nutty, earthy, or similar to a mushroom. Tempeh is not only rich in probiotics but also a great source of protein. 

Miso: A Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans with salt and a fungus called Aspergillus oryzae. Miso soup is a popular way to consume it, which is helpful for the digestive system due to the probiotics it contains. 

Kombucha: A fermented, lightly effervescent black or green tea drink that is sweetened. It's popular for its high probiotic content and is believed to aid in digestion and various other health benefits. 

Pickles (fermented): Cucumbers that are pickled in a solution of salt and water go through a fermentation process that allows good bacteria to thrive. Be sure to choose those that are naturally fermented, as those preserved in vinegar don’t contain live probiotics. 

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