A special legislative committee recommended against impeaching a Vermont sheriff charged with assault for kicking a handcuffed prisoner on Tuesday, saying he is doing a harm by staying in office. Committee members will present a House resolution on Wednesday for Franklin County Sheriff John Grismore to resign “for the good of the people of Franklin County.”
While the Committee is not recommending articles of impeachment for Sheriff Grismore, they made it clear that his continued service is a detriment to Franklin County residents,” House Speaker Jill Krowinski said. The Committee heard from many people, and while the report lists worrisome conduct that are inappropriate for an elected person, it does not meet the high bar for impeachment.”
As a lifetime Vermonter, Grismore was dissatisfied with the time and money wasted on this procedure. That Franklin County voters and residents who supported him were vindicated has made him happy to stay.
He claimed Franklin County voters hold me accountable. Grismore was elected sheriff in November 2022, months after being discharged as a captain for kicking a bound prisoner. Pleaded not guilty to simple assault.
After winning the Aug. 9, 2022, Republican and Democratic primaries, Grismore was the only contender on the ballot. State police investigated Grismore and the Franklin County Sheriff's Department's finances before he assumed office in February 2023.
In December, the Vermont Criminal Justice Council voted 15-1 to permanently revoke his law enforcement certification for violating the state's use of force policy. Impeachment was investigated by a special legislative committee last May.
The committee's Tuesday report stated that sheriffs should get ongoing law enforcement training, which decertified officers cannot receive. It also said sheriffs should uphold “the highest standards of honesty, integrity, conduct, and service.”
Mr. Grismore displays none of these by his conduct previous to taking office and his persistent assertion that his use of force was legitimate, the committee found.
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