Terrestrial animals that live far away from water

Fennec Fox: Found in the deserts of North Africa, the fennec fox has adapted to arid environments by obtaining moisture from its food, such as insects, plants, and small animals. It also has large ears that help dissipate heat and reduce water loss. 

Kangaroo Rat: Kangaroo rats are small rodents found in arid regions of North America. They have specialized kidneys that concentrate urine to conserve water and obtain moisture from the seeds they eat. Kangaroo rats can survive without drinking water for long periods. 

Sidewinder Snake: Sidewinder snakes inhabit desert regions of North America and have adapted to conserve water by becoming nocturnal and burrowing underground during the day to avoid the heat. They obtain moisture from their prey and can go for extended periods without drinking water. 

Camel: Camels are iconic desert-dwelling mammals known for their ability to survive in arid environments. They have numerous adaptations for conserving water, including humps for storing fat (not water), efficient kidneys, and the ability to reabsorb water from their urine. 

Thorny Devil: Found in the deserts of Australia, the thorny devil is a small lizard known for its distinctive appearance and ability to survive in arid conditions. It obtains moisture from dew and rainfall, which collects on its skin and is absorbed through capillary action. 

Desert Tortoise: Desert tortoises are reptiles adapted to arid environments in North America. They obtain moisture from the plants they eat and can store water in their bladders for extended periods. Desert tortoises are also known to dig burrows to escape the heat. 

Armadillo Lizard: Armadillo lizards are small reptiles native to the desert regions of southern Africa. They have thick, armored scales that help prevent water loss, and they obtain moisture from the insects and plants they consume. 

Desert Antelope: The addax, also known as the white antelope, is a critically endangered species native to the Sahara Desert in North Africa. It has adapted to arid conditions by minimizing water loss through efficient kidneys and obtaining moisture from plants. 

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